Monday, September 12, 2016

Today I went to a chocolate museum!

Today (9/11) I went to a chocolate museum, cause I mean why not? (this is a late post due to slow wifi causing my pictures to not upload) There are many museums in Cologne (and Germany in general) but instead of the fine arts and history museums, I decided to go to the chocolate museum. Mainly because I thought I could get free chocolate.

So I woke up this morning and after grabbing a quick bite a cafe, I walked over to the chocolate museum. I didn't really know what to expect besides a massive gift shop where I could buy chocolate to bring home. Annette had gotten a bunch of chocolate for me to bring back to the lab, however we left so early in the morning we forgot it in the fridge. The chocolate museum had tons of stuff in it. Like the history of chocolate, how chocolate is made, and then the culture of chocolate.

Isn't this game a little advanced for kids?

Germany produces a lot of chocolate

Basically this says that eating chocolate is good for everything
My favorite part was the exhibit on making chocolate. They had all the machinery setup in a room where you could watch the whole process from grinding of beans, to wrapping the chocolates, to placement in boxes to be sent off.



I also got to make my own chocolate bar!

And I got free chocolate!

After that I headed back to hostel to decide what to do with the rest of my day. Instead of taking a walking tour I decide to plan out my trip to Miltenyi again tomorrow and then find a spot for dinner. My cousin Val told me that when my uncle and aunt were in Cologne they ate pig's knuckle at a place called Haxenhaus (Haxe is knuckle or leg of meat in German). So I decided to go there. I got a beer and a huge plate of food and ate everything. It was so good!

Afterward I decided to see what the cathedral looked like at night so I walked back to take a peak. It was very peaceful since there weren't many people around. I also got to walk around the cathedral a bit. It was a nice way to end the day.


I can't believe that I fly back home on Friday. Today (9/12) I had my final meetings at Miltenyi. Everything went well and I'm exciting to begin working on my projects again, and working together with Miltenyi on a few things. While I'm sad my holiday is ending it will be good to get back in the lab again.

Combined Daily Step Count: 19,941
Total Step Count: 270,962

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