Friday, September 2, 2016

Today I recap on yesterday...oh yeah I ate whale!

Today I finish up where I left off yesterday. So after summiting Mt. Ulriken and taking the cable car down, I went back out into Bergen with my roommates and new friends Matt and Tim. We took the bus into Bergen and began walking around in search of food. There is a nice park/lake near the city center of Bergen that we walked around to get to the city center.

In the city center most places looked expensive so we attempted to settle for something we thought would be cheap: Subway.  However there were no $5 footlong there (also all of their measurements are in metric so its a 30 cm sandwich....). It was also a bit more expensive in Norway than in all of our home countries. After that we began walking toward the fish market to check it out.While Matt lead us to a different harbor in the city and not the main one, we walked down an quaint part of town with cobblestone roads and pastel painted homes.

After hitting the water in the wrong harbor, using our map we began back on course towards the "famous" part of town. Once we reached the main harbor, Matt went to the bathroom, Tim took a smoke break, and I decided to wander into what I soon discovered was a fish market. A lady then greeted me and we talked about the fish she had there.

She told me they even had Norwegian lobster, crayfish, and king crab live I could buy and they would cook for me to eat. If not I could order any of the fish she had on display to eat in their restaurant.

She then offered me smoked whale which I happily accepted.

It had an almost beef like flavor and consistency. Matt then walked in and then tried it as well.

Good or Bad?
It didn't taste fishy at all, and was actually quite good. She told us that she enjoys giving people samples and watching the look on their faces as people eat it. She laughed at the fact that we both immediately got our phones out to take a picture before eating it. Tim then came in, however was not too keen on trying whale.  The three of us began talking with the woman about the various fish and where they were caught. She seem very surprised that the three of us were together, and interested in the fact that we each have a different English accent: American, Australian, and British. We then went back on course and walked into the "famous" part of town that is always seen in pictures of Bergen.

These buildings are all slanted and hidden walkways hide in between them with stores to shop in. After walking around for a bit, we decided to bus back to the hostel. Tim had to leave early this morning on a long bus and train ride on his quest to see fjords. We enjoyed a quiet evening drinking beer and talking with our friends in the hostel. We got back just before the rain picked up too which was a plus. Overall we were extremely lucky that we were never caught in the rain. Yesterday was a perfect day and I look forward to many more ahead on my trip.

Daily Step Count: 29,942

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