Sunday, September 4, 2016

Today I temporarily became "Today We" Part 3

Today we followed the T's! We woke up this morning and were greeted by the most beautiful sight. While the view from the cabin was gray and foggy yesterday, today we were greeted by sun and blue skies.

While we saw sheep on the way yesterday we were greeted by sheep this morning. We even made a new friend!

 After hanging out with the sheep we said goodbye to our cabin and headed out toward Vaksdal.

When I said that yesterday's hike was the most beautiful hike I've ever been on, I lied. Today topped any and every hike I've ever been on. Hiking through the fjords, following the T's in the sun was the best experience.

After hiking around lakes we began hiking up to a ridge line where we stayed for a bit.

We reached the highest point on our hike and looked out before beginning our hike down to a large lake. 

My trusty guide

We stopped for a bite to eat at the lake, and then moved on. At the bottom of the ridge, there was a waterfall and we had to cross a stream, and then we carried on around the lake.

After walked around the lake we found a sign that told us we were on the right path and forged on toward the next T's.

After we walked up a steep incline we reached a flat area with tons of lakes. It was absolutely spectacular.

This picture is actually upside down
After that beautiful landscape we began our final descent into Vaksdal. We stopped by a waterfall to refill our water bottles and then carried on down the hill.

Moving on we soon realized that those guys may have been wrong about the distance. Our 6 km (3.72 mile) walked turned into something much longer.

After hiking down for another few hours we finally made it to the parking lot (car park) near Vaksdal. 6.5 hours and 11.7 km (7.27 miles) later...However we still needed to get to Vaksdal. So with no cars around we decided to walk down the mountain into Vaksdal.

We were trying to catch a 5:30pm train back to Bergen so we were hoping it was close. About an hour later we made it to the train station with about 10 minutes to spare before the train arrived, ending our journey for the day.

We survived! 18.3 km (11.3 miles) in one day!
Overall it was a great experience and one I will never forget.  I thank Matt for everything. He had the map, and he figured out all the plans. I was just along for the ride. He almost spent his whole holiday with me. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten sick of me yet (or maybe he has...). We have one night left here in Bergen, and then we are both taking the bus together tomorrow to the airport. We only met on Wednesday, but now we've walked Norway together. I'm happy to have met him and I hope that one day we will meet again.

Our whole trip

Daily Step count: 36,411

Total Step Count: 178,464

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