Saturday, September 10, 2016

Today I walked around Cologne

Today I walked around Cologne. I've been pretty tired lately, and I've been a bit congested too. I think I have a head cold? Also the wifi at this hostel is super bad, so it is making it difficult to post or do anything. Anyways today after I woke up I decided to walk around Cologne a bit. I started by off going to the cathedral. I did not realize how gigantic it was. I had to stand way back just to get a picture of the whole thing.

 It was gigantic. I decided to walk in and take a look around. There was a Mass? going on so I couldn't walk too much, but I did get the hear the choir sing and look around. It was a nice experience.

After that I decided to walk down to the Rhine and walk along the river for a while. It was a nice day and everyone was walking around.

That green bridge way down there was the first bridge I saw...

I walked down the Rhine to the first bridge I saw so I could cross to the other side. The Rhine Park is on that side so I walked over and then sat in the park down by the water for a while. As I looked around you could also see the two spires of the cathedral.


Afterward I walked back to the city. There doesn't seem to be too many bridges that cross the Rhine, so I did quite a bit of walking to get back across. I then headed back to hostel to relax and take a nap.

Why does every city do this??
Later in the evening, I headed back out to a bit of shopping and grab something to eat. I got a Currywurst which is something Annette told me I should try while in Germany. It was pretty good. The curry was a bit on the sweet side, but it was good! 

If the wurst wasn't cut up it would be 3 times larger than the bread...unlike a hotdog, the bread is just to hold the wurst

After that I headed back to hostel, and now I'm probably just going to watch Netflix and go to sleep. When I was in Norway one of my roommates, Kurt, mentioned that each country has different things on their Netflix. He apologized for basically killing my holiday, but I don't care. I can now watch different movies and shows here in Germany that aren't on the Netflix in America. What better way to relax on holiday?

I realized I didn't include my steps yesterday so I will just add the total to today's total count.

Daily Step Count: 14,936
Total Step Count: 251,021

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