Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Today I explored Tamarindo!

Today I explored Tamarindo! We've slowly gotten used to resort life here in Costa Rica. Being at an all-inclusive resort is pretty cool, but it also gets a little tiring. Today Adam and I decided to travel to a nearby town called Tamarindo while Michael stayed at the resort to rest and relax. We took a shuttle bus to Tamarindo around 10 am. It was a small little surfing town located on the next bay over from our hotel. The main street by the waterfront is lined with shops and restaurants.

We started off by doing a little shopping. I also went to the pharmacy to grab some aloe for my sunburns. We stopped off at a juice/smoothie to grab something to drink. I had the best pina colada I've ever had. It was super rich and sweet which is probably why...

The beach!

After shopping we stopped by a restaurant on the beach to grab a bite to eat.

After that we hopped back on the shuttle and headed back to the resort. Adam and I spent the rest of the day by the pool.

We met up with Michael again and then had dinner at the resort's Asian restaurant. Before we went in however I went to the beach to grab a picture of the sunset.

Tomorrow I plan to try to take more pictures of the wildlife around here. There are so many animals around, that we've gotten used to it. Now seeing a giant iguana chilling by the pool, or birds flying around the buffet isn't surprising. Hopefully I can grab some good pictures before we all head back to Washington.

Daily Step Count: 12,328

Total Step Count: 58,782

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