Thursday, February 1, 2018

Today we explored Niseko United!

Today we explored Niseko United! We woke up this morning and went down to breakfast. This time I took pictures so I could show you guys the variety of food they have.

Salad and fruit area

Meatballs and Bacon
Shishamo and Salmon shioyaki
Sandwich and cereal area
Onsen tamago
Soba station
Tamagoyaki, yudofu and pork
Okayu station
Tamago kake gohan station!!
Okazu station

The okazu station seems to change day by day.
Natto and misoshiru

My breakfast for the day!
The dining room is on the 1st floor and has windows that over look the ski run the hotel is next to.

Unlike yesterday, today was mostly sunny! It was a little cloudy, but the sun was out for most of the day. There wasn't as much powder as the day before, but we could finally see the mountain and surrounding areas better.

As we made our way up the hill, you could see a long line of people hiking up to the summit. I decided that I wasn't about to hike that, so instead we went above the backcountry area we went yesterday. As we went down that first run in deep powder it became very apparent to me that my legs were tired. When I reached the bottom I told Harrison that we were splitting up. He decided that he would hike up to the top while I rested my legs. We agreed to meet up in 2 hours at the same lodge we did the day before. He got back in the lift line to the top, and I explored the surrounding areas. I decided that I would try to hit all of the lifts I could see.

I explored different routes, and went to different areas around Niseko United. When I finally met up with Harrison he told me he had gone up twice (mainly because the gopro file got corrupted on the first run) and his legs were dead. We had lunch and then decided were to go next.

Udon for lunch!

Harrison is snapchatting behind me...
We went over to another resort area and did a few runs on that side. We had gotten all mountain passes so we thought we should at least try to hit some of the other resorts to make it worth it. (Well the pass was only ~30 dollars more than just a 2 area one...) So in total we skied Niseko Village, Grand Hirafu, and Hanazono which is 3 out of the 4 areas in Niseko United. But it was getting late, so we decided to head back and do a few more runs in the Grand Hirafu area.

Our rental skis!
After a few lasts runs we decided to end our ski the portion of our vacation. We showered, changed, and then left to grab dinner. Being pretty tried we decided to just go to the nearby convenience store to grab something to eat and snacks for tomorrow.

Something that I've found interesting is that at times it seems like we are at home. There are many tourist here in Niseko and you hear a lot of English walking around. At the convenience store I noticed that almost everyone there was hakujin. It will be interesting to see how this changes as we travel around Japan. Tomorrow we head to Sapporo to go to the Snow Festival!

Daily Step Count: 15,834
Total Step Count:  39,741

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