Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Today we explored Shinjuku!

Today we explored Shinjuku! We had gotten to Tokyo late the night before and decided that today we would just explore the area. We slept in for a while before we got up and grabbed breakfast at the supermarket nearby. We then set out. The sun was out as we walked toward Shinjuku station knowing there would be tons to see.

After we reached the station we started exploring the shops nearby. Mainly things we couldn't afford, so we continued walking until I saw a giant Uniqlo sign on a building. We decided to go in and did some shopping. We both ended up buying more Uniqlo since things were on sale, and then we were off again.

It became very evident that we were in a big city. There where people everywhere and cars all over the place. It also made it a little bit difficult navigating as we got our bearings straight. We started to get hungry as lunch was getting close. We looked across the street and spotted a Wendy's. We decided why not try Japanese Wendy's so we went in. We ordered and decided to make it an experiment to see how Japanese Wendy's compared to Wendy's in America.

The burger patties were still square which was reassuring, but we both agreed it tasted slightly different. Unsure why, but its not like it wasn't good. Just different. After that we explored the nearby department stores, and malls. My favorite part about Japanese department stories is that there is a grocery store on the basement floor of all of them and if you walk around long enough you get samples!
After that we decided to head back and decide what to do for dinner. We walked around trying to find a place near our airbnb, before heading back into the central Shinjuku area.

It was nice because we finally got to see the area all lit up at night. However since we were in the city it was hard to find place that either had space or the type of food we felt hungry for. After walking around for about 2 hours we decided to head back a place near our airbnb (literally 5 minutes away) for some food.
Of course it was oden. It was decent, however nothing could compare to the oden we had in Sapporo. We ate, drank, and then left to plan for our next day. However before we got back to the airbnb, we stopped at the grocery store to pick up food for breakfast and cake!
We shared a strawberry cake while planning out our next day. Based on what I read online it was the best day to go see the fox village up north so I worked out the train schedule, and we went to bed excited for the next day. It was nice to spend a day just resting and exploring. So much of trip has been traveling to different places that it gets exhausting.

Daily Step Count: 26,293
Total Step Count: 195,317

Harry-chan's Karaage Count: 12

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Today we saw bamboo, monkeys, and went to Tokyo!

Today we saw bamboo, monkeys, and went to Tokyo! So still super behind on my blog, but this is what we did a few days ago...We woke up super early this morning to attend morning 6AM service at nishi hongwanji. It was so cold!! We could see our breath while we were chanting. 

Afer service ended we returned to our hotel. We were planning to take Shinkansen to Tokyo today, but we couldn't get to our airbnb until like 6:30pm. So we planned a day trip to Arashiyama nearby. We did some last minute shopping at the stops outside of Hongwanji, packed up our bags, left them at the hotel, and then headed out to Arashiyama. It was only a 20 minute train ride from Kyoto.
Ochazuke lunch!
We arrived in Arashiyama and walked to the bamboo forest. The path was a little crowded but it was a nice walk. 

After that we walked around the area, and followed a river back to the center of town, where we turned to walk towards the monkey park.

We then walked up the monkey park. It was about a 20 minute hike, but when we got to the top there were monkeys all around! We entered a hut to feed some, and then walked around taking pictures of them.

If you've been following along, you'll notice that animals don't exactly pay attention to Harry-chan...
After that we stopped to get karaage (of course...) and then went back to Kyoto to take the Shinkansen to Tokyo. 
Karaage Boi~
Once we got to Tokyo we realized the error in our timing. It was rush our and we had all of our stuff with us. We pushed our way through the staiton to the subway line we needed to take to get to our airbnb in Shinjuku. It was a hassle, but we finally made it! Our host is super nice and her apartment is as well! The apartment is in a really good location only a minute away from a 7-11 and grocery store. However it is in an older building so it is cold. We stopped by the grocery store to see what we could grab for dinner. It has a nice selection and we grabbed some food and sushi for dinner. We ate, and then began planning our stay in Tokyo. We are finally nearing the end of our trip, however there is still so much we want to do, see, and eat.
This was only $5!!!
Just having dinner with baachan!
Daily Step Count: 28,620
Total Step Count: 169,024

Harry-chan's Karaage Count: 11

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Today we didn't die!

Today we didn't die! So we ate fugu and survived! Today we failed at our attempt to attend 6am service at Nishi Hongwanji. Harry-chan was suppose to wake us up, but he didn't wake up at his alarm. When we finally got up it was past 8am. We had originally planned to go to service, eat breakfast, go shopping, and then head to Nara before traveling to Osaka to meet Makoto-oniisan. So we just cut out the first part. We decided to eat breakfast at Royal Host, a cafe near Nishi Hongwanji where I've eaten before. Our hotel was the Granvia at Kyoto Station. So we walked up to the top of the station before heading out towards Royal Host.
Kyoto Station

You can see Nishi Hongwanji on the top left!

After breakfast we decided to at least stop by Nishi Hongwaji since we were there. We went into the Amdiado and Goeido before walking the temple grounds.



Kirin Gate
After that we went shopping in the shops around Hongwanji. My favorite type of shopping! Shopping for new onenju and monto shikisho! We stopped by a shop Honda-san recommended and one that I've been to before. We were even given a discount!
Fukuro (Owl) onenju!
Mr Zousan!! (Elephant)
Tea at Satsumaya
After spending over $200 we returned to the hotel and prepare for our trip to Nara. We grabbed a bento and then headed out. We reached Nara mid afternoon and walked to the park. We wanted to see the shika (deer) and then Todai-ji where the Daibutsu (big Buddha) is. As we started walking through the park we saw many deer. However what we did not see was a garbage can. We had forgotten how difficult it is to find one in Japan despite everything being so clean. So we had to walk around with our Starbucks cups. Harry-chan got a little upset...but we got good pictures.

We then explored some of the temples until finally walking toward Todai-ji. We bought some shika senbei (deer crackers) to feed some of the deer while we were walking. When we finally made it, we paid and went inside to see the Daibutsu.

Baby deer!!!

After that we headed back to the train station to take the train to Namba near Dotonbori in Osaka to meet Makato-ni. Once we met up with him we took a taxi to fugu restaurant. While Makoto-ni was talking with the cab driver I overheard them talking about fugu. Aparently fugu is rare and expensive in Tokyo so it was good we were eating it in Osaka. We made it to the restaurant and sat down. We introduced ourselves to Miwa-san who was our waitress and maybe was the daughter of the owner....she and Makato-ni spoke Japanese really fast. When Harry-chan introduce himself they started discussing Harry Styles and Harrison Ford as Japanese people would know his name based on that. She also liked that we were from Seattle since she loved Twilight! It was fun talking with her! We started drinking and she gave us an appetizer made from the skin of fugu. It was also funny to see that at the beginning both Miwa-san and Makoto-ni were polite in calling Harry-chan, Harrison-kun, but after hearing me call him Harry-chan and them warming up to us, they started calling him Harry-chan too, and even started asking what type of girls he liked. He got a little embarrassed, but it was all in good nature.
Kawa or skin appetizer

After that we had our long awaited fugu sashimi! It was so good!! We then had some yaki fugu, fugu nabe, fugu age (since I mentioned that Harry-chan loves karaage) and then fugu sake! The fugu sake was so good. It is hot sake with the essence of fugu made by taking fried fugu fin, setting it aflame, and then dunking it into your sake.
Fugu sashimi!!
Yaki fugu!
Yaki fugu kawa
Fugu nabe
Fugu smelt or sperm

Fugu age

After that we went out to a bar to grab drinks, but before that we stopped off at dontonbori since Harry-chan's never been before. We took pictures at the Glico sign and then headed to a bar Makoto-ni likes to go to in Umeda.
Glico Sign

The bar we went to was called FluteFlute and was a wine/champagne bar, but also a shoyu bar! They had many different types of shoyu for us to try. We introduced ourselves to Yoko-san who was friend with Makoto-ni. They let us try some sweet shoyu like strawberry shoyu you put on yogurt. When started out with some A5 wagyu beef that was seared and the coated with a uni or sea urchin shoyu.
Strawberry shoyu

We then tried an appetizer platter of foei gras macaroon, caprese salad (with a balsamic shoyu), olives, and then a salmon sashimi mayonnaise spread.

We then had "mendokusai tamago kake gohan" our troublesome raw egg on rice" The reason it is trouble some is because there are so many different kinds of shoyu to try. We tried: tabasco, butter, ginger, different salt levels, all kinds of different shoyu. We were even given samples of some from Kentucky.

After that we walked to the station, said goodbye to Makoto-ni and then took the train back to Kyoto station. We had the best meal we've had so far in Japan with good drinks. I fell asleep on the train, luckily Harry-chan stayed awake and woke me up at the station. We will never forget all of the food we ate, or the kindness extended to us from Makoto-ni and all the people we met in Osaka.

Daily Step Count: 25,532
Total Step Count: 140,404

I'm removing the falls since we arn't in snow country anymore...

Harry-chan's Karaage Count: 9